
Furniture selection in a circular model: 5 Key Principles

Our circular model places rigorous demands on furniture, requiring it to meet customers' long-term needs and remain adaptable for circulation through refurbishment. In our quest to meet our high standards for furniture selection, we've established five key design principles to guide our choices.


Timeless design

A key principle influencing our selection of circular furniture is choosing furniture that can stand the test of time. We embrace minimalistic and simple shapes with only essential elements added, by doing that we ensure to offer both functional products that are not only practical but also aesthetically pleasing.


Purposeful functions

In our mission to develop the most efficient circular model, we aim to achieve more with less. This involves maximizing functionality while minimizing the number of furniture pieces. Each piece of furniture is thoughtfully selected to serve multiple functions, either independently or in conjunction with others.


Quality to last

We maintain the highest standards for the furniture items we introduce into our ecosystem, expecting them to serve customers for decades and endure multiple moves. To meet these demands, we meticulously select furniture with robust construction and long-lasting materials, ensuring they can withstand many years of use. Our commitment to quality is exemplified by our rigorous durability testing, which every piece of furniture must pass before becoming a part of our furniture ecosystem.


Circular first, sustainable second

The best office chair is the one that is never produced. Our primary goal is to always circulate used furniture before introducing new pieces into our ecosystem. When adding furniture to our range, we meticulously choose products and materials with the lowest climate impact throughout their lifecycle. Prolonging furniture lifetime is key to minimising the environmental impact.


Ease of repair and recycling

At every opportunity, we give preference to component-based designs in our furniture range. This strategic approach allows us to choose products where individual elements can be easily replaced, upgraded and recycled. An approach that aligns with our commitment to sustainability, as it prolongs the lifespan of our products and reduces waste.
