Holland & Barrett, a renowned leader in the health and wellness retail sector, embarked on an ambitious project to transform their Amsterdam office. This British-rooted multinational chain, with a presence spanning 16 countries, set out to create a workspace that truly reflects their deep commitment to health, wellness, and environmental responsibility.
Holland & Barrett’s goal was to create a workspace that encouraged cross-functional collaboration. However, the team faced a significant challenge: their budget constraints were tight, and 90% of their chairs were broken. Purchasing new furniture would consume most of their budget, so they needed a more flexible and sustainable solution.
NORNORM’s circular furniture subscription service provided a cost-effective alternative, allowing Holland & Barrett to shift from capital expenditure (CapEx) to operational expenditure (OpEx). This gave them the freedom to allocate budget towards custom design elements, such as nature-inspired themes, green walls, and wellness-focused prints. By taking care of the foundational furniture needs, NORNORM enabled the design team to focus on personalising the space, while maintaining the company’s natural and sustainable ethos.
The result was a vibrant, collaborative, and sustainable office space. NORNORM’s Nordic Light style complemented the natural, wellness-oriented design, allowing Holland & Barrett to showcase their brand identity through elements that echoed ‘the power of nature.’ The use of a furniture subscription model made it possible to stay within budget while creating a space that fosters creativity, focus, and innovation.
A collaboration etched in the foundations of a synergy of nature and sustainability. Behind every great workspace is an even greater story.
At NORNORM, we’re thrilled to share that we’ve been named one of the Top 25 fastest-growing startups in the Nordics and Benelux by Sifted, a leading platform for European startup news and insights. This recognition is based on revenue growth over the past three years and underscores the growing demand for innovative, sustainable solutions in the business world.
“This ranking is a testament to the demand for sustainable solutions and the success of our circular model, furniture as a service. It’s proof that businesses can thrive while driving positive environmental impact,” says Emil Steenhouwer, Deputy CEO at NORNORM.
At NORNORM, we’re on a mission to revolutionise the office furniture industry—proving that a circular economy isn’t just good for the planet but also a profitable and scalable business model.
We’re grateful to our bold and forward-thinking customers for embracing the circular economy and driving this transition with us. We’re just getting started. Join us in making circularity the new norm.
Want to see who else made the list? Check out the Sifted Leaderboard!
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