Pop-up for "Circular Expo" opens in Circl on the Zuidas

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Pop-up for "Circular Expo" opens in Circl on the Zuidas

Amsterdam, 6 February 2023 – The recently published Circularity Gap Report shows that the worldwide reuse of materials has decreased in the past five years. An alarming signal, considering the Dutch government is striving for a circular economy in 2050. Based on the principle to accelerate the transition through cooperation and knowledge sharing, 21 pioneering circular companies have joined forces under the name of the “Club van Circulaire Ondernemers'' (Club of Circular Entrepreneurs). Progressive companies such as NORNORM, Swapfiets, Fairphone, Reflower and Pieter Pot are part of the Club. Today (February 6), at the start of the Week of the Circular Economy, the collective is opening a pop-up exhibition in CIRCL on the Zuidas. The idea is to put circular products, services and innovations in the spotlight, and to inspire to create a more concrete action plan.

Level the playing field by opting for disruptive and permanent system change

The group of 21 circular business leaders keeps growing and evolving. By working together, the Club wants to create noise around the subject and accelerate the transition towards a circular economy. The Club is backed by 10 partners, such as Copper8, Impact Hub, Innoboost, Circle Finance Lab, and Circle Economy. Richard Burger, co-founder and Sustainability Director of Swapfiets: “On many fronts we see that the linear economy is unsustainable and not in line with a sustainable future. In addition, the current roadmap from the Dutch government is too unclear and not very stimulating. As the Club of Circular Entrepreneurs, we therefore call for circular entrepreneurship to become the status quo, to create upscaling opportunities for existing entrepreneurs, to adapt legislation accordingly, and to opt for permanent system change with positive financial incentives. Together we show that the solutions are already there, but the thresholds must be lowered to encourage more doers to adopt circular entrepreneurship.”

Exhibition during the Week of the Circular Economy

Today, at the start of the Dutch Week of the Circular Economy, the Club of Circular Entrepreneurs will open a pop-up expo in CIRCL on the Zuidas (Amsterdam). The expo puts Dutch circular designs, innovations, and services in the spotlight. At the same time, the expo serves as a call to action. “We are showing that there are already a lot of doers who are working on system change. The time of focus on networking and research is over and that is why we need to focus on the companies”, says Ellyne Bierman, founder of Reflower.

The pop-up exhibition of Dutch circular products, services, and innovations from the Club of Circular Entrepreneurs is accessible to everyone from Monday 6 February to Friday 10 February between 09:00 and 17:00 and can be visited free of charge in CIRCL in Amsterdam.

About the Club of Circular Entrepreneurs

Since 2022, 22 circular companies have joined forces to work together in the transition to the Dutch circular economy in 2050. The Club comes together during quarterly meetings to share knowledge, exchange learnings, and accelerate the transition. The club consists of 22 companies: Swapfiets, Fairphone, Repeat Audio, Reflower, CIRCLE CLOSET, BIYU, Pieter Pot, Chainable, Tiny Library, NORNORM, Moyee Coffee, Speeltegoed, Homie, MUD Jeans, Roetz Bikes, Aectual, Still, Firmhouse, BlueCity, Buurman Utrecht, Kairos Furniture, and Circ.energy, and is supported by 10 partners that are closely connected to a circular ecosystem: Copper8, Impact Hub, Circular Finance Lab, Circle Economy, CircularX, Dutch Academic Network for CE, Circo, Change Inc., Blyde Benelux, Hof van Cartesius, and Innoboost.

See https://www.clubvancirculaireondernemers.nl/

Exclusive Insights from NORNORM's Circular Breakfast at Tech Arena 2024

At this year's Tech Arena, one of Scandinavia's largest tech events, NORNORM hosted the Circular Breakfast, bringing together industry leaders, innovators, and forward-thinkers to explore the role of technology in shaping the future of circular companies. We caught up with a few of our expert panellists afterwards to gain exclusive insights on the topics discussed.

Nanna Gelebo (BCG) on Bridging Linear and Circular Business Models
Nanna Gelebo has been a Partner at the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) in Stockholm for 12 years, with a strong track record of driving transformative change in the retail sector on everything from strategy to implementation.
Key Insights
Nanna discusses the concept of 'cross-fertilisation' between linear and circular business models. She highlights the importance of transforming transactional customer relationships into relational ones through circular efforts, emphasising that rental and second-hand products can serve as gateways for consumers into more sustainable consumption patterns. This approach not only benefits the environment but also opens new avenues for business growth.
Linear business models do not have to stay linear. You can start to become more circular by gradually integrating a circular business model into your current linear one, through e.g. rental and second-hand products, building a circular set-up that suits your business specifically.
Marcus Linder (RISE) on Evaluating and Ensuring Circular Claims
Marcus Linder is the Director of Business Design at the Research Institute of Sweden (RISE). He holds a PhD in Technology Management and Economics from Chalmers University of Technology, specified in environmental research, with his research having been applied industrially in procurements by industry giants such as Volvo.
Key Insights
Marcus brings attention to the critical aspect of a product's end-of-life plan. He emphasises that being 'potentially circular' is insufficient without a concrete and, preferably legally binding, plan for product lifecycle management. This perspective is crucial for customers evaluating circular claims, pushing companies to not just promise sustainability but to embed it into their actual business practices.
To remain credible towards industry peers and customers, the best practice is to have a clear, communicable, and incentivised plan for your circular business model that customers can trust and rely on. It is important that customers should be able to evaluate and ensure your claim of circularity and end-of-life product plans.
Vojtech Vosecky on Being Authentic when Marketing your Circular Efforts
Vojtech Vosecky is one of the leading circular economy advocates, with experiences ranging from being the co-founder of the successful think-tank Institute of Circular Economy, working for the European Parliament, and the world-leading organisation Circle Economy. In 2022, he was also selected as one of the Top Green Voices to follow in Europe by LinkedIn.
Key Insights
Vojtech stresses the importance of being hyper-authentic in the communication of your circular business principles. For him, it’s about being bold in stating what you stand for, challenging misconceptions, and creating moments of realisation for your audience (think true “aha-moments”). His approach - educate, inspire, and agitate - is a formula that companies can use to effectively market their circular efforts. Vojtech highlights that no matter the format of your marketing, and to avoid the trap of greenwashing, be authentic and stand your ground, whilst always backing up with research. That always wins.
When marketing your circular or sustainable business efforts, especially on LinkedIn, use the three principles of educating, inspiring, and agitating - ideally in one go. Be authentic, use visuals, and create truly educating moments. Use facts whenever you can. However, be careful not to over-do them - and always, always, double check them.
“In the end, what is it about? It's about creating a relationship between the user and this object. I think we all have a strong link to things that are meaningful, that have been charged by accompanying our life.”

Some subtitle

In the end, what is it about? It's about creating a relationship between the user and this object. I think we all have a strong link to things that are meaningful, that have been charged by accompanying our life.

Pop-up for "Circular Expo" opens in Circl on the Zuidas

Amsterdam, 6 February 2023 – The recently published Circularity Gap Report shows that the worldwide reuse of materials has decreased in the past five years. An alarming signal, considering the Dutch government is striving for a circular economy in 2050. Based on the principle to accelerate the transition through cooperation and knowledge sharing, 21 pioneering circular companies have joined forces under the name of the “Club van Circulaire Ondernemers'' (Club of Circular Entrepreneurs). Progressive companies such as NORNORM, Swapfiets, Fairphone, Reflower and Pieter Pot are part of the Club. Today (February 6), at the start of the Week of the Circular Economy, the collective is opening a pop-up exhibition in CIRCL on the Zuidas. The idea is to put circular products, services and innovations in the spotlight, and to inspire to create a more concrete action plan.

Level the playing field by opting for disruptive and permanent system change

The group of 21 circular business leaders keeps growing and evolving. By working together, the Club wants to create noise around the subject and accelerate the transition towards a circular economy. The Club is backed by 10 partners, such as Copper8, Impact Hub, Innoboost, Circle Finance Lab, and Circle Economy. Richard Burger, co-founder and Sustainability Director of Swapfiets: “On many fronts we see that the linear economy is unsustainable and not in line with a sustainable future. In addition, the current roadmap from the Dutch government is too unclear and not very stimulating. As the Club of Circular Entrepreneurs, we therefore call for circular entrepreneurship to become the status quo, to create upscaling opportunities for existing entrepreneurs, to adapt legislation accordingly, and to opt for permanent system change with positive financial incentives. Together we show that the solutions are already there, but the thresholds must be lowered to encourage more doers to adopt circular entrepreneurship.”

Exhibition during the Week of the Circular Economy

Today, at the start of the Dutch Week of the Circular Economy, the Club of Circular Entrepreneurs will open a pop-up expo in CIRCL on the Zuidas (Amsterdam). The expo puts Dutch circular designs, innovations, and services in the spotlight. At the same time, the expo serves as a call to action. “We are showing that there are already a lot of doers who are working on system change. The time of focus on networking and research is over and that is why we need to focus on the companies”, says Ellyne Bierman, founder of Reflower.

The pop-up exhibition of Dutch circular products, services, and innovations from the Club of Circular Entrepreneurs is accessible to everyone from Monday 6 February to Friday 10 February between 09:00 and 17:00 and can be visited free of charge in CIRCL in Amsterdam.

About the Club of Circular Entrepreneurs

Since 2022, 22 circular companies have joined forces to work together in the transition to the Dutch circular economy in 2050. The Club comes together during quarterly meetings to share knowledge, exchange learnings, and accelerate the transition. The club consists of 22 companies: Swapfiets, Fairphone, Repeat Audio, Reflower, CIRCLE CLOSET, BIYU, Pieter Pot, Chainable, Tiny Library, NORNORM, Moyee Coffee, Speeltegoed, Homie, MUD Jeans, Roetz Bikes, Aectual, Still, Firmhouse, BlueCity, Buurman Utrecht, Kairos Furniture, and Circ.energy, and is supported by 10 partners that are closely connected to a circular ecosystem: Copper8, Impact Hub, Circular Finance Lab, Circle Economy, CircularX, Dutch Academic Network for CE, Circo, Change Inc., Blyde Benelux, Hof van Cartesius, and Innoboost.

See https://www.clubvancirculaireondernemers.nl/

Pop-up for "Circular Expo" opens in Circl on the Zuidas

Amsterdam, 6 February 2023 – The recently published Circularity Gap Report shows that the worldwide reuse of materials has decreased in the past five years. An alarming signal, considering the Dutch government is striving for a circular economy in 2050. Based on the principle to accelerate the transition through cooperation and knowledge sharing, 21 pioneering circular companies have joined forces under the name of the “Club van Circulaire Ondernemers'' (Club of Circular Entrepreneurs). Progressive companies such as NORNORM, Swapfiets, Fairphone, Reflower and Pieter Pot are part of the Club. Today (February 6), at the start of the Week of the Circular Economy, the collective is opening a pop-up exhibition in CIRCL on the Zuidas. The idea is to put circular products, services and innovations in the spotlight, and to inspire to create a more concrete action plan.

Level the playing field by opting for disruptive and permanent system change

The group of 21 circular business leaders keeps growing and evolving. By working together, the Club wants to create noise around the subject and accelerate the transition towards a circular economy. The Club is backed by 10 partners, such as Copper8, Impact Hub, Innoboost, Circle Finance Lab, and Circle Economy. Richard Burger, co-founder and Sustainability Director of Swapfiets: “On many fronts we see that the linear economy is unsustainable and not in line with a sustainable future. In addition, the current roadmap from the Dutch government is too unclear and not very stimulating. As the Club of Circular Entrepreneurs, we therefore call for circular entrepreneurship to become the status quo, to create upscaling opportunities for existing entrepreneurs, to adapt legislation accordingly, and to opt for permanent system change with positive financial incentives. Together we show that the solutions are already there, but the thresholds must be lowered to encourage more doers to adopt circular entrepreneurship.”

Exhibition during the Week of the Circular Economy

Today, at the start of the Dutch Week of the Circular Economy, the Club of Circular Entrepreneurs will open a pop-up expo in CIRCL on the Zuidas (Amsterdam). The expo puts Dutch circular designs, innovations, and services in the spotlight. At the same time, the expo serves as a call to action. “We are showing that there are already a lot of doers who are working on system change. The time of focus on networking and research is over and that is why we need to focus on the companies”, says Ellyne Bierman, founder of Reflower.

The pop-up exhibition of Dutch circular products, services, and innovations from the Club of Circular Entrepreneurs is accessible to everyone from Monday 6 February to Friday 10 February between 09:00 and 17:00 and can be visited free of charge in CIRCL in Amsterdam.

About the Club of Circular Entrepreneurs

Since 2022, 22 circular companies have joined forces to work together in the transition to the Dutch circular economy in 2050. The Club comes together during quarterly meetings to share knowledge, exchange learnings, and accelerate the transition. The club consists of 22 companies: Swapfiets, Fairphone, Repeat Audio, Reflower, CIRCLE CLOSET, BIYU, Pieter Pot, Chainable, Tiny Library, NORNORM, Moyee Coffee, Speeltegoed, Homie, MUD Jeans, Roetz Bikes, Aectual, Still, Firmhouse, BlueCity, Buurman Utrecht, Kairos Furniture, and Circ.energy, and is supported by 10 partners that are closely connected to a circular ecosystem: Copper8, Impact Hub, Circular Finance Lab, Circle Economy, CircularX, Dutch Academic Network for CE, Circo, Change Inc., Blyde Benelux, Hof van Cartesius, and Innoboost.

See https://www.clubvancirculaireondernemers.nl/