Making circularity the new norm

The very foundations of nature are based on circular principles.
That has been disrupted with our take-make-waste economy.
It’s time we work alongside nature and adopt circular systems again, reverting back to how things should be.

“We need to learn how to work with nature rather than against it.”

Sir David Attenborough

Our Call for Action

We must act now. The next decade will define our future. Adopting circular principles allows us to close the loop, restore balance, and realign our consumption with the capacities of our one precious Earth. This is our planet. This is our home. This is our duty. Are you ready to stand up and make a difference? Then join us, and together, we will make circularity the new norm.

Join us. Together, we’ve already...

Save up to 70% CO2 by subscribing to circular furniture. The impact goes further than supporting your ESG goals. It’s the collective movement that our planet needs.


The Problem

Our planet is at its tipping point. But together, we can change its course. Earth’s finite resources are rapidly depleting, outpaced by a linear take-make-waste model that has disrupted the natural, circular systems essential for life. 

This unsustainable practice has catapulted us into a climate crisis that is no longer looming—it's already here. Collapsing ecosystems, melting glaciers, rising sea levels, escalating heat waves and wildfires are our reality, signalling the urgent need for change.

But there is hope of healing, so long as we act now.

The Solution

We believe the path forward is clear: circularity. It's a principle that mirrors nature's own, promising that nothing is wasted and every resource serves a purpose in an ongoing loop of use and reuse. At NORNORM, this philosophy is at the core of what we do. We breathe new life into old furniture, refurbishing and recirculating to close that loop of resources. Our mission? To make circularity the new norm, proving that it’s not only feasible but essential for our future, inspiring a worldwide shift toward sustainable practices that heal our planet.

We’re here to disrupt the disrupted.
We’re circling back to the fundamental principles of nature.
We are creating a real solution.

We prolong the lifespan of furniture by refurbishing 
and circulating them between businesses.

Creating a closed loop

NORNORM's circular business approach offers access to quality furniture and adaptable workspaces at an affordable price. By choosing to subscribe instead of buy, you're taking an important step towards reducing the carbon footprint of your operations. When there is no longer need for certain pieces of furniture in your office, NORNORM will not retire or scrap them. Instead they will be refurbished and re-used, prolonging their lifespan.

NORNORM's products can continue to be used and still meet our premium quality standards. Timeless designs add to the circularity of the concept since they never go out of style. Products that previously lasted 3 years can now last for 30.

The phases / lifecycle of furniture in our circular ecosystem

Une fois remis à neuf, les meubles sont renvoyés dans l'écosystème, prêts pour le prochain client, ce qui maximise leur durée de vie et réduit la nécessité d'une nouvelle production.

Les meubles qui arrivent en fin de vie sont recyclés en nouveaux modèles ou en matériaux réutilisés, ce qui leur donne une seconde vie et permet de réduire davantage les déchets.

Le mobilier est conçu pour durer et minimiser l'impact sur l'environnement. Des meubles réutilisés ou des matériaux neutres en carbone sont utilisés pour obtenir un apport net de carbone nul.

Après utilisation, les meubles sont nettoyés et rafraîchis dans notre centre circulaire. Si nécessaire, il est remis à neuf, ce qui lui permet de rester fonctionnel et d'être plus beau que neuf pour son prochain foyer.


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Tech enabled ecosystem

Tech-enabled circular ecosystem

Logistique assistée par l'IA

NORNORM propose une livraison et une installation complètes dans un délai de 4 semaines. Nous utilisons des capacités avancées de planification d'itinéraires par IA pour améliorer la prévisibilité et optimiser les calendriers de livraison et l'utilisation de l'espace. Notre mission est de créer une chaîne d'approvisionnement zéro carbone, entièrement pilotée par la technologie.

Suivi de l'impact climatique

Notre modèle circulaire réduit les émissions de CO2 jusqu'à 70 % et permet une meilleure utilisation des ressources grâce à une durée de vie prolongée et à la remise en circulation. Grâce à notre plateforme, le suivi de votre impact environnemental devient un jeu d'enfant, ce qui vous aide à établir des rapports et à obtenir des certifications.

Passeport circulaire

Chaque meuble est accompagné d'un passeport circulaire. Il suffit de scanner le QR code pour explorer son parcours, accéder aux guides et aux détails des produits, ou signaler tout problème, le tout sans avoir à lever le petit doigt.

Planification pour le mobilier

Alimenté par une IA avancée, notre outil Furniture Forecast prédit et s'adapte aux besoins évolutifs de votre espace de travail. Ce service personnalisé garantit que l'aménagement de votre bureau reste proactif et prêt pour l'avenir, ce qui vous permet de tirer pleinement parti de la flexibilité de votre abonnement NORNORM.

Nos meubles sont choisis selon cinq principes de conception circulaire

Circular resources

Here are insights, learnings and strategies from circular experts - all completely for free - to help you become more circular. This is how we are making circularity the new norm, by sharing all we know and have proven to be successful in order for inspiration for others to follow. Also resources that have inspired us and taught us e.g. Johan Rockstrom


NORNORM Circular Passport at Your Service – for Maximum Flexibility and Circularity

Always dedicated to ensure stellar customer service to our clients, NORNORM now unveils the first edition of the Mobile Circular Passport. Embedding technology to make it easier for our clients to gain information on, receive help with, and take care of their office furniture, the passport stands ready at your service. By scanning the QR code attached to your NORNORM furniture, you are now set to report problems, view product details and even explore your furniture's circular history, all in one go.

