Case study – high growth company

Customer happiness and productivity are the key measurements for NORNORM's service model. By keeping track of how the office is actually used and getting first hand feedback from users, we get a comprehensive view of not only how our designs function today, but also how they adapt for the future.

Let's explore an example of how an NORNORM office adapts along with a high growth company:


The challenges of scaling quickly

By gathering office utilisation data over the first six months, we were able to observe the following:

  • Small meeting rooms used for web meetings and phone calls are utilised 95% of the time during the course of the day
  • Medium and large meeting rooms (4 people and above) are mainly being used for individual web meetings or small group meetings (less than 4 people)
  • The utilisation of workstations is measured at 75%, still having some underutilised capacity for future growth in the workforce
  • Two lounge areas are seldom used with a utilisation of less than 15%

A new design to remedy privacy issues

With insights from the current office experience and highlighted problems, a new office design is created. The new design focuses on solving current problem areas and improving the overall flow of the office to reflect how it is used by the team.

  • Underutilised lounge areas were removed to create space for more phone booths
  • Our designers re-shuffled some of the spaces to cater for phone booths tailored to web meetings
  • The design is confirmed by the Client and implemented on the next switching day
Experience the design improvements in 3D

Continuous growth means new challenges

Comments on an overcrowded office and lack of space were highlighted in the company’s co-worker survey. Data from the client's entrance system (people counting) were used to confirm the occupancy of the office. It became clear that occupancy rates of the office are constantly overdrawn on peak days.


Office as a hub for meetings and collaboration

The client initiated a ”future work” initiative which NORNORM was able to support with a co-worker survey to identify the ideal way of working in the company. Based on input from they survey and strategic work by the client's onsite team, a new workplace strategy was defined:

  • A hybrid workplace strategy was established, anchored in the needs and wishes of the employees and with the intention to postpone a move to larger office space
  • The office was transformed into a meeting hub, tailored to support meeting and collaborative work
  • NORNORM’s home office solutions was made available to all employees in order to create an ergonomic home office environment
Experience the design changes in 3D