Eine Zusammenarbeit, die in den Grundlagen einer Synergie von Natur und Nachhaltigkeit verankert ist

Client showcase




Holland & Barrett, ein renommierter Marktführer im Gesundheits- und Wellnesseinzelhandel, hat ein ehrgeiziges Projekt zur Umgestaltung seines Amsterdamer Büros in Angriff genommen. This multinational chain with British Roots and an presence in 16 countries has set to achieve a target to achieve a work environment, that their tiefes engagement for health, well-being and environmental responsibility.

Less climate impact


Office location


Office size

1.400 m²

Design style

Nordic Light

„Ich war total verliebt in das Modell von NORNORM. Es ist sowohl die Design- als auch die Budgetflexibilität, die wir brauchen. “

Ann Decock, Architectin and Workplace Designerin

Challenges & Objectives

Das Ziel von Holland & Barrett war es, einen Arbeitsplatz zu schaffen, der die funktionsübergreifende Zusammenarbeit fördert. Das Team steht jedoch vor einer großen Herausforderung: Das Budget war knapp und 90% der Stühle waren kaputt. The kauf new furniture would the most part their budget loss, because they required an flexible and sustainability solution.

NORNORM's Solution

The subscription service for kreisförmige furniture by NORNORM bot an cost alternative and allows Holland & Barrett, into investment expenses (capex) on operating costs (OpEx). This had them the freedom, your budget for individual design elements, like z. B. by the nature inspired themes, green wall and prints, which are designed to wellness. NORNORM kümmerte sich um die grundlegenden Möbelbedürfnisse und half dem Designteam, sich auf die Personalisierung des Raums zu konzentrieren und gleichzeitig das natürliche und nachhaltige Unternehmensethos beizubehalten.


Das Ergebnis war ein lebendiger, kollaborativer und nachhaltiger Büroraum. The Nordic Light-Stil von NORNORM ergänzte das natürliche, wellnessorientierte Design und bewirkte, dass Holland & Barrett widerstanden, ihre Markenidentität durch Elemente zu präsentieren, die „die Kraft der Natur“ widerspiegelten. The use an abonnement models for furniture allows, the budget in the, and another space to generate, the creative, concentration and innovation.

Christa Zaitout-Beumer, Projektleiterin

We have with them, what we had, a great effect. Ohne NORNORM war das nicht möglich.

In den meisten Fällen wissen die Kunden nicht, welche Kosten mit dem Bau, dem Umzug und der Neugestaltung von allem verbunden sind.

Looking to furnish your own office?

Holland & Barrett

Holland & Barrett, ein renommierter Marktführer im Gesundheits- und Wellnesseinzelhandel, hat ein ehrgeiziges Projekt zur Umgestaltung seines Amsterdamer Büros in Angriff genommen. This multinational chain with British Roots and an presence in 16 countries has set to achieve a target to achieve a work environment, that their tiefes engagement for health, well-being and environmental responsibility.

Exclusive Insights from NORNORM's Circular Breakfast at Tech Arena 2024

At this year's Tech Arena, one of Scandinavia's largest tech events, NORNORM hosted the Circular Breakfast, bringing together industry leaders, innovators, and forward-thinkers to explore the role of technology in shaping the future of circular companies. We caught up with a few of our expert panellists afterwards to gain exclusive insights on the topics discussed.

Nanna Gelebo (BCG) on Bridging Linear and Circular Business Models
Nanna Gelebo has been a Partner at the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) in Stockholm for 12 years, with a strong track record of driving transformative change in the retail sector on everything from strategy to implementation.
Key Insights
Nanna discusses the concept of 'cross-fertilisation' between linear and circular business models. She highlights the importance of transforming transactional customer relationships into relational ones through circular efforts, emphasising that rental and second-hand products can serve as gateways for consumers into more sustainable consumption patterns. This approach not only benefits the environment but also opens new avenues for business growth.
Linear business models do not have to stay linear. You can start to become more circular by gradually integrating a circular business model into your current linear one, through e.g. rental and second-hand products, building a circular set-up that suits your business specifically.
Marcus Linder (RISE) on Evaluating and Ensuring Circular Claims
Marcus Linder is the Director of Business Design at the Research Institute of Sweden (RISE). He holds a PhD in Technology Management and Economics from Chalmers University of Technology, specified in environmental research, with his research having been applied industrially in procurements by industry giants such as Volvo.
Key Insights
Marcus brings attention to the critical aspect of a product's end-of-life plan. He emphasises that being 'potentially circular' is insufficient without a concrete and, preferably legally binding, plan for product lifecycle management. This perspective is crucial for customers evaluating circular claims, pushing companies to not just promise sustainability but to embed it into their actual business practices.
To remain credible towards industry peers and customers, the best practice is to have a clear, communicable, and incentivised plan for your circular business model that customers can trust and rely on. It is important that customers should be able to evaluate and ensure your claim of circularity and end-of-life product plans.
Vojtech Vosecky on Being Authentic when Marketing your Circular Efforts
Vojtech Vosecky is one of the leading circular economy advocates, with experiences ranging from being the co-founder of the successful think-tank Institute of Circular Economy, working for the European Parliament, and the world-leading organisation Circle Economy. In 2022, he was also selected as one of the Top Green Voices to follow in Europe by LinkedIn.
Key Insights
Vojtech stresses the importance of being hyper-authentic in the communication of your circular business principles. For him, it’s about being bold in stating what you stand for, challenging misconceptions, and creating moments of realisation for your audience (think true “aha-moments”). His approach - educate, inspire, and agitate - is a formula that companies can use to effectively market their circular efforts. Vojtech highlights that no matter the format of your marketing, and to avoid the trap of greenwashing, be authentic and stand your ground, whilst always backing up with research. That always wins.
When marketing your circular or sustainable business efforts, especially on LinkedIn, use the three principles of educating, inspiring, and agitating - ideally in one go. Be authentic, use visuals, and create truly educating moments. Use facts whenever you can. However, be careful not to over-do them - and always, always, double check them.
“In the end, what is it about? It's about creating a relationship between the user and this object. I think we all have a strong link to things that are meaningful, that have been charged by accompanying our life.”

Some subtitle

In the end, what is it about? It's about creating a relationship between the user and this object. I think we all have a strong link to things that are meaningful, that have been charged by accompanying our life.

Holland & Barrett

Holland & Barrett, ein renommierter Marktführer im Gesundheits- und Wellnesseinzelhandel, hat ein ehrgeiziges Projekt zur Umgestaltung seines Amsterdamer Büros in Angriff genommen. This multinational chain with British Roots and an presence in 16 countries has set to achieve a target to achieve a work environment, that their tiefes engagement for health, well-being and environmental responsibility.

Holland & Barrett

Holland & Barrett, ein renommierter Marktführer im Gesundheits- und Wellnesseinzelhandel, hat ein ehrgeiziges Projekt zur Umgestaltung seines Amsterdamer Büros in Angriff genommen. This multinational chain with British Roots and an presence in 16 countries has set to achieve a target to achieve a work environment, that their tiefes engagement for health, well-being and environmental responsibility.

Holland & Barrett

Holland & Barrett, ein renommierter Marktführer im Gesundheits- und Wellnesseinzelhandel, hat ein ehrgeiziges Projekt zur Umgestaltung seines Amsterdamer Büros in Angriff genommen. This multinational chain with British Roots and an presence in 16 countries has set to achieve a target to achieve a work environment, that their tiefes engagement for health, well-being and environmental responsibility.